News: |
7/30/2008 - To say I haven't updated my site in a while is quite an understatement, but I have not been idle. I have been using the domain for hosting many files, posting links to these files on a message board, and therefore I have not bothered to update the site. Anyways if you go to there is a thread in the Howard Stern Show Forum where I post my parody songs I've recorded for Stern fans to hear. Since my song got on the radio yesterday, I was motivated to put the parody songs on This way I can tell my friends to just come here and everything is compiled and organized neatly, and you dont have to go searching through a massive forum of insane Stern junkies. So, please check out my Studio page for my parody songs, including small passages about the songs, youtube slideshows to stream and listen, and links to download the mp3. Enjoy it all, and I'll post more as soon as they come! - Lon
11/21/2007 - Very little changed on this update, just the Lon's Picks pages, and I added "Lon's Notes" to the end of each pick page, just some comments on each song I've picked and the show in general. Hoping to add a bunch of shows on this little break I've got, we'll see what happens. - Lon
11/14/2007 - Another update; I've revamped each page for each live show where you download the songs. I added tables to make things easier in future devlopments, and overall I think it looks a little better. As with most of the things on the site, it is subject to change when I start getting some more momentum with this site. No new tapes added tonight, I'm busy listening to the Stern show, and I have a 4 page paper due tomorrow that I haven't started. Oh yeah, It's 1:30 am now too. Cheers to another late night! - Lon
11/11/2007 - I got a temporary button bar on the site now. We got half a wall up in the studio and hope to have the walls finished and the equipment set up by next week. We are going to record some Howard Stern parody songs asap, and when Flo and Ricky get in the studio, I'll try to steal a few cuts from their sessions and post em for anyone who cares. I also don't like uploading anything that is incomplete or non-working, but I'm making an execption here. For Lon's Picks I plan on making some comments on the tracks I select from certain gigs, and the band spotlight has yet to be constructed. Seeing how it's a pet peeve of mine, the fact that some of my site is publicly under construction should motivate me to finish the work that I have started tonight. Also, check out the upcoming events, and if your in a band and want me at one of your events, send me an email - - and I guarantee I'll consider it (meaning nothing). I'm also planning on attending other shows, however I am only posting the events I plan on taping. I'd keep rambling on about the new updates and what I have planned, but honestly, I don't think there is anyone out there who reads this, or cares, so I'm going to bed. - Lon
11/10/2007 - I have to admit I have not done nearly as much work on these tapes as I hoped when I wrote that last news entry. Two tapes have been added, both are Flo tapes, the first one doesn't sound very good, it's from the first party we threw at our new house here on Hooker Street. I'm in the process of getting the tapes from 10/20 onto my computer and hope to have them up soon as well, maybe even later tonight. Flo fans (mainly me and the band) will enjoy the tape from the Paradise Lounge, solid playing, decent tape. Anyways, until next time! - Lon
10/23/2007 - If you have visited the site at all before, you will notice this page is new. I am working on my website as much as I can motivate myself to. The biggest problem is that this project is way too big for me to accomplish on my own. That being said, the biggset help I can receive at this moment in time is someone who knows about building a database through php, cgi, html.. whatever. With this search in progress, my roommates and I are also working on a recording studio in our basement. I do live with two bands, but I have my own projects to record in the studio as well, namely parody songs for the Howard Stern Show. As all of this is happening, I am also trying to devote as much time as possible to tracking out the latest live tapes I have (you will notice not many are posted at the moment), as well as not fail my classes in my senior year. There is a lot happening and I urge you to check my site for updates every now and then. On a side note, you might notice that there have been a lack of pictures and videos lately. Unfortunately, I've been having issues with my digital camera that seem unresolvable and I believe I will have to replace it. Anyways, enjoy your stay, and I hope you visit again soon. - Lon